Our magnetometer probe is used to detect ferrous objects in the ground, such as unexploded ordnance (UXO). By taking real time readings of the amplitude of the earth’s magnetic field (with a 1.5 m detection radius), any distortions from locally buried ferrous objects such as tanks, drums, pipes or bombs, will be detected.
We also have combination magnetometer cones where the mag detecting element sits behind the cone tip, friction sleeve and pore pressure filter to allow both the detection of ferrous objects and standard CPT readings. This combination testing effectively halves the site investigation time by providing the geotechnical profile at the same time as clearing the immediate area for UXO.
Our operators are able to monitor the magnetometer readings on site, and are trained to stop testing should they detect any potential anomalies. For on-site clearance, the help of a third-party UXO specialist is required to generate a UXO clearance report.